Guide Spain | Restaurants in Spain | Restaurants in Madrid | Salmón Semon L'Indret Restaurant

Salmón Semon L'Indret Restaurant in Madrid

This restaurant is located in the area Tetuán, in the North of Madrid, near the Plaza Cuzco. It is a Catalan restaurant which followed on from a shop specializing in distributing European products related to gastronomy.

You get to the restaurant by going through the shop. There are two dining areas, one upstairs (quieter atmosphere) and another downstairs. Minimalist decor, opening times from 1pm to 7pm - clientele mostly business men and women.

The cuisine in this restaurant is based on Catalan specialities using the best ingredients. Ham, cold meats, caviar and the excellent salmon deserve a mention. Dishes such as 'el blinis con salmón' or 'caviar osetra'. Also excellent roast beef. Very good desserts. The daily buffet menu is good value. There are also many wonderful cold tapas dishes to try.


Friendly, efficient service. Varied wine list with good choices. Reservations recommended.

Address, map in google and telephone number

Capitán Haya, 23. Madrid. Tel: 915 554 690.


María Vidal

Recommended dishes

Brandada de bacalao. Pasta con langostinos y setas. Nido de caviar, brindis de salmón ahumado. Rodaballo. Entrecot de buey. Degustación. Buffet.

Further information

Opening times 13.00 to 19.00. Closed Sundays, bank holidays and August.

Rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
-star 7 -sol
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