Izamar Restaurant in Madrid

This restaurant is located in San Sebastián de los Reyes (approximately 20 kms from Madrid, less than 30 minutes drive), it is decorated in a nautical style and has a capcity for up to 200 people.

This is a restaurant where you can have top quality fish or seafood sourced from Galicia at very reasonable prices (a seafood platter for 2 is less than 50 euros). Very good homemade desserts.

Shop - an impressive counter surrounded by large fish tanks for those who wish to take their seafood home live or cooked.

Address, map in google and telephone number
Av. Matapiñoneras, 6. SAN SEBASTIÁN DE LOS REYES (a 21,3 Km. de Madrid). Cómo llegar a San Sebastián de los Reyes desde Madrid.
Tel: 916 543 893
Chef: Alfonso Fernández- Manuel Izaguirre Otazmendi

Recommended dishes


Ensalada templada de judías verdes con cigalas, txangurro y erizo de mar relleno. Puding de centollo. Menestra de bogavante y verduras. Merluza con kokotxas y almejas. Pantxineta de hojaldre. Arroz con bogavante.

Further information

Closed Sunday nights and Mondays.

Izamar Restaurant's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7 - sol
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