Gala Restaurant in Madrid

This small, modern restaurant is in the Chamberí neighbourhood. Using basic ingredients it is very popular especially for certain dishes which are unbeatable anywhere else in Madrid. Carefully prepared and reasonably priced menu.

Anotnio Carmona cooks delicious dishes such as "Tartar de atún", "Codorniz escabechada con el guiso de lentejas estofadas al modo tradicional", or "Erizos de mar gratinados al cava". Excellent desserts such as "Tarta fina de manzana".

Half portions available and a set menu with 7 courses and 7 wines. Friendly and attentive service. Wide selection of well priced wines on the wine list. Reservations necessary.

Catering Service.

Address, map in google and telephone number
Espronceda, 14. (Madrid). Tel: 914 422 244
Chef: Antonio Carmona

Recommended dishes


Saquitos de rabo de toro. Atún rojo con vinagreta de cacahuetes. Chipirones de anzuelo con arroz cremoso de piñones y hongos. Stak tartare de solomillo con patatas chips. Solomillo con salteado de espaguetis de zanahoria y vinagreta de pimienta rosa. Tarta fina de manzana con helado de canela. Menú degustación. Menú "Gala".

Further information

Closed Sundays and the second fortnight in August.

Gala Restaurant's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7 - sol
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