Guide Spain | Restaurants in Spain | Restaurants Madrid | Casa Jose Restaurant in Aranzjuez near Madrid

Casa Jose Restaurant in Aranzjuez

near Madrid, 47 kms from Madrid

Casa José is located in Aranjuez, approximately 47 kms from Madrid. It has been on our recommended list for over 3 years. (see Guía de restaurantes visitados y comentados). It coninues to be one of our favourites following in the footsteps of its founder Jesús del Cerro.

The Cerro family manage to provide all the details that their clients want: friendly service, professionalism, elegant surroundings and of course excellent cuisine based on seasonal products.

Fernando del Cerro makes sure he has the best strawberries, esparragos, beans, tomatoes... in order to produce high quality dishes. It wouldn't be a bad idea to visit this restaurant in springtime to try the best local products from Aranjuez and el Tajo cooked with creativity and innovation.


Address, map in google and telephone number
Abastos, 32. (Aranjuez). A 47 km. de Madrid.
Tel: 918 911 488-918 910 204.
Chef: Fernando del Cerro (cocina) y Armando del Cerro (sala)

Recommended dishes

Trampantojo de bacalao. Rape con boletus en emulsión de oporto. Costillas de merino asado a la miel y al aroma de estragón. Raviolis de plátano con salsa de jengibre.Tempura de cigalas con rissoto de habas. Bacalao fresco al horno e infusión de perejil. Cabrito a la sartén y patatas tres gustos. Dulces delicias de violetas en cinco texturas. Menú degustación.

Further information

Closed Sunday nights, Mondays, and August

Casa José's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7.25 2 sols
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