Aldaba Restaurant

This restaurant is located in the North of Madrid. It is tastefully decorated and takes great care over details such as cutlery, tablecloths, plates...etc.

It is famous for its excellence in certain dishes such as meatballs. It has many variations from ham and beef to a vegetarian version, said to be the best in Madrid. This restaurant offers classic cuisne with some Basque-Navarran influences.

Exceptional, efficient, friendly service directed by José Luis Pereira. Excellent wine list which includes wines from all over the world.

The restaurant offers half servings at night - a very good idea and it even has a takeaway menu.

Address, map in google and telephone number
Alberto Alcocer, 5. (Madrid). Tel: 913 452 193.
Chef: Luis García de la Navarra

Recommended dishes


Patata, huevo con salsa al jugo de trufa. Mero sobre puré de patata con vinagreta de empeltre y pimientos. Cocochas de merluza con espaguetis. Costillar de cabrito asado. Tarta de chocolate negro con almendras. Tarta de brevas sobre una base de almendras laminadas y huevo. Menú. Menú degustación.

Further information

Closed Saturdays at midday, Sundays and August.

Rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7.75 1 sol
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