Victor Restaurant

This restaurant was established in 1940 and for many people it represents the best in traditional Basque home cooking. Located in Bilbao's old part (el Casco Viejo).

The menu is dominated by traditional Basque dishes like home cooked cod, sea bream Bilbao style, Vizcayan pork trotters, there are some excellent home made desserts such as 'la Tarta Capuchina'.

Awarded the quality standard 'Q' by the Basque Government.

Wide range of wines (more than 1500 references) at reasonable prices

Address, map in google and telephone number
Pl. Nueva, 2. (Bilbao). Tel: 944 151 678 (click on link to see exact location).
Chef: Demetrio Sainz; Sala: Adela Emiño

Recommended dishes


Alcachofas rellenas (stuffed artichokes), Habitas repeladas (baby broad beans), Foie, Ensalada de marisco (seafood salad), bacalao Víctor (cod), Lomos de merluza rellenos de txipirones (stuffed hake), Ragout (stew), Pimiento verde relleno de txangurro (stuffed green pepper), Lenguado a la plancha (grilled sole), Avestruz con salsa de hongos (ostrich in a wild mushroom sauce). Tarta de hojaldre (puffed pastry tart). Set menu.

Further information

Closed Sundays (except in May), last week in January and August, Easter week and the first week in September.

How Restaurante Victor rates in the restaurant guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7.25 - sol
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