Guide Spain | Restaurants in Spain | Restaurants Bilbao | Pérgola Restaurant in Bilbao

Pérgola Restaurant in Bilbao

Although you don't usually find hotel restaurants in top gastronomic guides La Pérgola has been recommended by Gourmetour year after year receiving a very high mark (7).

According to Gourmetour it offers interesting cuisine and is excellent value for money. This restaurant offers traditonal and creative dishes under the umbrella of Basque cuisine. Deer steak and roast scallops are just two of its well known specialities.

The restaurant is located in the centre of Bilbao, next to the Exhibition Centre and the Conference Centre just 5 minutes from the Guggenhiem.

Address, map in google and telephone number
Gran Via, 87. (Bilbao). Tel: 944 416 600.
Chef: Txomin Gómez

Recommended dishes


Taco de bacalao confitado con ajoarriero de chipirón y sopa cremosa de ajo. Carré de cordero asado con sus mollejitas estofadas y crema de chalotas. Menú. Menú degustación.

La Pérgola's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 7 - sol
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