Palaces in Madrid
Palaces and stately buildings in Madrid
Palaces and stately buildings
in Madrid:
- El Palacio Real de
Madrid: Located in old
Madrid (calle Bailén,
s/n. Tel: 91 547 53 50).
It was constructed during
the reign of the Borbons.
Started by Felipe V, taken
over by Filippo Juvara en
1735 and later handed over
to Sachetti. The first king
to occupy the palace was
Carlos III. The decoration
was left to Carlos III and
Carlos IV. It was the official
residence of the Royal family
until the abdication of
Alfonso XIII in 1931. It
is currently used for official
acts. It is also open to
the public. Things to see
include: the arms museum,
the 1879 dining room with
tapestries and frescos on
the ceiling, the Porcelain
room, the throne room and
the pharmacy.
- Palacio de la Quinta
del Duque del Arco: Located
on the Monte del Pardo 15
kms outside Madrid on the
Coruña road (km 6200)
- (Tel: 91 376 15 00). This
palace dates back to the
18th century. It has pleasant
gardens and fountains as
well as antique furniture
and paintings.
Palacio Real del Pardo: Also located on the
Monte del Pardo 15 kms outside
Madrid on the Coruña
road (km6200) - (Tel: 91
376 15 00). The hill covers
16000 hectares and is a
national park, it has flowers
and plants typical to the
Mediterranean. The palace
was ordered by Enrique III
and was built by Sabatini.
The palace has paintings
by El Bosco, Antonio Moro,
Tiziano and Sanchez Coello.
It also has a collection
of clocks by the Casa Real
Española. It was
Franco's official residence
from 1940 until 1975. It
is now used by visiting
heads of state from Europe.
- The Palacio de la Zarzuela,
official residence of the
Spanish Royal family and
the Prince of Asturias,
is also located on the Monte
del Pardo.
- Palacio de Liria: Located
on la calle de la Princesa.
It is owned by the Duquesa
de Alba and inhabited by
her family. It holds an
important art collection.
de Madrid: This is the
remains of an Arabic fortress
dating back to the 9th and
10th centuries. The only
thing that remains is the
wall. You can find it at
the end of calle Mayor.
It is thought that the entrance
that can be seen in the
wall is the 'Arco de la
Almudena' where the relics
of the Virgen de la Almudena
were found.
- La Casita del Principe:
Located on the Montes del
Pardo, 15 Kms outside Madrid
(Tel: 91 376 15 00). It
was built in 1785 by Juan
de Villanueva under the
orders Carlos IV. It holds
a collection of portraits
by Mengs. It is under restoration
at present and is temporarily
closed to the public.
Townhall (Casa de la Villa): Plaza de la Villa, 4,
(tel: 91 588 10 00). Built
in 1640 by Juan Gomez de
Mora in quite a plain style,
it has been remodelled and
extended over the years.
Its facade and the coat
of arms date back to 1670
(Teodoro Ardemans), the
neoclassic colonnade is
by Juan de Villanueva.
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