Property in Spain | Spanish pronunciation guide

Spanish pronunciation guide

Section for people wanting to buy, sell or rent property in Spain.
Spanish property term
Abogado A-bo-ga-do
Administrador de Fincas Ad-min-ist-ra-dor day fin-cas
Agente de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria (API) A-hen-tay day la prop-ee-ay-dad
Ampliación Hipoteca Am-plee-a-thee-on Ee-po-te-ca
Arras Ar-ras
Avalista Ab-a-leest-a
Bungalow Boong-a-lo
Cargas Car-gas
Certificado registral Thir-tee-fee-ca-do re-jees-tral
Documento privado Doc-oo-men-to pree-va-do
Documento público Doc-oo-men-to poo-blee-co
Escritura Es-cree-tour-ra
Euribor Eur-ee-bore
Señal Sen-yal
Gestoría Hest-or-ee-ya
Hipoteca Ee-po-te-ca
Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles Im-pwes-to sob-ray bee-yenes in-mweb-lays
Impuesto sobre el Incremento del Valor de los Terrenos Im-pwes-to sob-ray el ba-loor day los te-rren-os
Libre de cargas Lee-bray day car-gas
Notario No-ta-ree-o
Nota simple registral No-ta sim-play re-his-tral
Obra nueva Ob-ra nwe-ba
Oferta vinculante O-fair-ta bin-coo-lan-tay
Pago en efectivo Pa-go en ef-ec-ti-vo
Poder Po-dare
Préstamo con techo Pres-sta-mo con te-cho
Préstamo hipotecario







Ploos-ba-lee-ya moon-ee-thi-pal
Registro de la Propiedad

Re-hees-tro day la prop-ee-ye-dad

Seguro de amortización de préstamos Se-goor-ro day a-mort-ee-tha-thee-on day pres-sta-mo
Seguro Multirriesgo Hogar Se-goor-ro
mool-tee-ree-es-go O-gar
Tasación Tas-a-thee-on
Tipo de interés Tee-po day in-ter-es
Título de propiedad Tee-too-lo de pro-pee-ye-dad
Valor Catastral
Ba-loor ca-tas-tral

Other useful links
Latest news on the property market in Spain Selection of news articles related to the real estate market here.
Mortgages in Spain, a brief introduction to the Spanish mortgage market, how it works and interest rates in Spain
Spanish banks, before applying for a mortgage, find out more about Spain's most popular banks and Spanish savings banks.
Property taxes in Spain, description of taxes involved in purchasing property and yearly property taxes in Spain.
Useful Spanish vocab for buying a house - you should learn at least the basic terms. Check out our pronunciation guide too.
Renting property in Spain - if you want to buy to rent, then read this section and our free notice board of property to rent in Spain.
Spanish lawyers - information on lawyers fees in Spain for property transactions
Houses for sale in Spain - take a look at the kind of houses available. Or check out our free Spain property for sale board.
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