Guggenheim Restaurant in Bilbao

This restaurant is located within the Museo Guggenheim. It is one of the most elegant, modern restaurants in Bilbao.

The restaurant is run by the brilliant young chef Josean Martínez, integrated within the Berasategui group. A book has been written about this restaurant "La cocina del restaurante Guggenheim Bilbao". Josean has also worked for 'el Bulli' and Martín Berasategui.

It offers traditonal Basque cuisine using only the best ingredients and the most up to date techniques. It has a varied and interesting menu with some international as well as national influences as would be expected in a place such as the Guggenheim. Delicious desserts.

Adequate service.

Address, map in google and telephone number
Av. Abandoibarra, 2 (Museo Guggenheim- Bilbao). Tel: 944 239 333.
Chef: Josean Martínez alija - Grupo Berasategui

Recommended dishes


Crema fría de tuétanos de verdura trufados. Ventresca de atún rojo con jugo de cebolleta asada y kumquat. Cochinillo confitado en aceite de oliva virgen especiado. Paletilla de cordero lechal tostada con una base de jerez, semillas de pimientos de Gernika y limón amarillo. Melón caramelizado y agridulce de maracuyá. Jugo frío de cacao amargo con infusión helada de leche y anises, crujiente de almendra y nuez moscada. Tres menús: Menú degustación. Menú Sensaciones, recuerdos y sabor. Menú Creación, libertad y tendencias.

Further information

Closed Sunday nights, Mondays, Tuesday nights and the first fortnight in January.

The Guggenheim's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 9.25 1 sol
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