Guide Spain | Restaurants in Spain | Restaurants Bilbao | Aretxondo Restaurant in Galdakao near Bilbao

Aretxondo Restaurant in Galdakao near Bilbao

This restaurant is located 9 kms from the centre of Bilbao in a countryhouse built in 1989 by the Asúa family. (near another great restaurant Andra Mari).

It offers both traditional and modern cuisine. The restaurant is used for wedding receptions and other special occasions offering its guests only the highest quality service and cuisine.

The menu clearly shows two distinct types of cuisine, The modern and the traditional. Beñat Ormaetxea, winner of the Young Spanish Chefs award a few years ago, is a specialist in preparing a number of specialities such as Lasaña de rabo de buey con foie y patata con su salsa la vino tinto; el Tronco de Rape asado a la plancha con salsa de espárrago blanco y almendras asadas; la Crema de pimiento morrón con verduras de tempura, yema de huevo y foie salteado; el Guiso de mollejas al cardamomo con hongos y albahaca frita... Tradtional dishes such as Bacalao, la Merluza en salsa verde, or el Rabo de Buey...are also recommended.


Excellent desserts, a very reasonable wine list and friendly efficient service make this restaurant a very good choice.

Address, map in google and telephone number
Bº Elexalde, 20. (Galdakao). A 9 Km de Bilbao. Tel: 94 456 671.
Chef: Beñat Ormaetxea

Recommended dishes

Mollejas con hongos al cardamomo. Lubina asada al horno con carbonara de bacon y crema de ajo. Entrecot con caldo de pimienta negra. Fresas con sopa de zanahorias y helado de queso fresco. Fresas en cuartos con zanahoria avainillada, guirlache de almendras y queso fresco helado. Leche espesa de vaca con sorbete de manzana verde, nuez de macadamia y huevas de mango. Menú degustación

Further information

Only open for dinner, (except Fridays and Saturdays) Closed Mondays, the first fortnight in January, Easter week and the first fortnight in August.

Aretxondo Restaurant's rating in the following gastronomic guides
Michelín Gourmetour Campsa
- star 8.25 1 sol
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