Visiting Morella is like going back in time. This small town is built on a rock
overlooking the Mediterranean sea from a height of 1.072 m above sea level. The
impressive castle of Morella sits on the top of the hill, and the village is surrounded
by an ancient wall.
to visit: Visitors will enjoy strolling around Morella's peaceful streets
which have a historical and artistic feeling to them. The historical walled area
of the town deserves special interest. At the top of the hill, the castle offers
outstanding viewsLa ciudad, conjunto histórico artístico que merece.
Other historical buildings worth a visit include the Arciprestal Church, the Royal
Cloister, San Francisco Convent etc.
to eat and what to buy: Morella and its surroundings is famous for its excellent
cheeses, cured meats, pumpkin tarts, sweet potato tarts, meatpies, herb liquer,
honey, olive oil, truffles, ham, game... The main street (calle principal) in
Morella is a lively area lined with small shops selling local produce at reasonable
Castle of Morella: The structure of the existing castle
was built by Arabs during the Moor occupation
of Spain and throughout history, because
of its strategic position, Morella Castle
has experienced numerous battles. The
castle has been destroyed and then rebuilt
by Iberians, Romans, Arabs and Christians.
Remains still exist from all these periods
in History. See Photos
of Morella (on a cloudy day!!)
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