Property in Spain | Real estate Spanish-English glossary

Spanish-English dictionary: Real Estate

Section for people wanting to buy, sell or rent property in Spain.

This Spanish-English glossary is our attempt to make buying or selling property in Spain a little bit easier.

We think we have included all the most important Spanish terms related to house-buying and their English equivalent.
This Spanish-English glossary is our attempt to make buying or selling property in Spain a little bit easier.

We think we have included all the most important Spanish terms related to house-buying and their English equivalent.

Click on the word to get a much fuller description of each term on a seperate page. If you want to suggest a term we may have left out of this Spanish-English real estate dictionary, send us an email.
Click on the word to get a much fuller description of each term on a seperate page. If you want to suggest a term we may have left out of this Spanish-English real estate dictionary, send us an email.





Abogado Lawyer/solicitor (see also Solicitor fees in Spain)
Administrador de fincas Spanish licensed property administrator or Community Administrator
Agente de la Propiedad Property Agent or Estate Agent
Amortización Repayment of loan/mortgage, depreciation
Arbitraje Arbitration
Arras Down Payment, deposit
Arrendador Landlord
Arrendatario Tenant
Aval Loan guarantee or Bank guarantee
Avalista Guarantor (of a loan)
Bungalow 2 or 3 storey terraced house
Caja de ahorros Spanish savings banks
Cargas Charges, burden, arrears
Catastro Spanish Land Register
Cláusula Clause or conditions in a contract
Cláusula abusiva Unfair/ abusive clause in a contract usually to the detriment of the consumer
Cédula de habitabilidad Certificate of occupancy
Certificado registral Certificate informing about debts of a specific property
Chalet Villa
Compra sobre plano Off-plan property purchase
Comunidad de propietarios Association/Community of property owners
Contrato de arrendamiento Letting/renting contract
Contrato de compraventa de vivienda Private property sales contract
Cooperativa de viviendas Housing co-operative
Cuenta de ahorro vivienda Housing savings account with special tax benefits
Derecho de tanteo Right of first refusal
Derecho de retracto Right of repurchase
Desahucio Eviction
División horizontal Official document to describe division pf property between different owners
Documento privado Private document
Documento público Public document
Escritura Deeds
Escritura pública de compraventa Title deeds
Euribor Official Euro Interbank offered interest rate
Fianza Deposit
Finca Estate
Folleto informativo Information leaflet/brochure
Gestoría Firm specialised in obtaining official authorisations, permits, licences etc
Gestoras de cooperatives Firm specialised in obtaining official paperwork in relation to housing co-operatives
Hipoteca Mortgage in Spain
Hipotecar to mortgage
Hipoteca de inversión Endowment mortgage
Hipotecable Mortgageable
IBI Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles Spanish yearly property tax or Council Tax
Impuesto sobre actos jurídicos documentados Legal documentation tax
Impuesto sobre el Incremento del Valor de Terrenos Tax on the increase of land value
Impuesto sobre el patrimonio Capital gains tax Spain
Inmobiliaira Estate agent
IVA Vivienda Property VAT
Libre de cargas Free of debts
Libro del edificio Documents handed over by the promoter when a building is finished
Licencia de obra Building permission
Notario Notary
Nota simple registral Certificate from a property register
Novación Renegotiation of mortgage terms
Obra Nueva Document certifying a brand new building
Oferta vinculante Bank document certifying the exact mortgage conditions
Pago en efectivo Cash payment
Parcela Plot of land
Piso Flat
Poder Power of attorney
Préstamo con techo Loan with variable interest rates with a fixed minimum and maximum
Préstamo cualificado VPO Special loan given only for the purchase of low-cost housing
Préstamo hipotecario Mortgage loan
Plusvalía Municipal Capital gains tax on the sale of property
Proindiviso Co-ownership, when a property has more that one owner
Promotor Property developer
Registro de la propiedad Property Registry
Representante fiscal Official tax representative
Residencia (permiso) Residency permit
Residente Resident
Segunda vivienda Second home
Seguro multirreisgo hogar Household insurance
Se alquila For rent
Se vende For sale
Seguro de amortización de préstamos Loan repayment insurance
Señal Deposit, down payment
Subvención Subsidy
Superficie útil Useable square metres in a property
Tasación Independent valuation of property
Terreno Plot of land
Tipo de interés Interest rate
Tipo sustitutivo de referencia Substitution of the official interest rate - for example the euribor
Titulo de propiedad Deeds stating the ownership of property, date of sale etc...
Valor catastral Registered value of land
Verificación Verification
Vivienda de Protección Oficial (VPO) Low-cost housing subsidised by the state

Other useful links
Latest news on the property market in Spain Selection of news articles related to the real estate market here.
Mortgages in Spain, a brief introduction to the Spanish mortgage market, how it works and interest rates in Spain
Spanish banks, before applying for a mortgage, find out more about Spain's most popular banks and Spanish savings banks.
Property taxes in Spain, description of taxes involved in purchasing property and yearly property taxes in Spain.
Useful Spanish vocab for buying a house - you should learn at least the basic terms. Check out our pronunciation guide too.
Renting property in Spain - if you want to buy to rent, then read this section and our free notice board of property to rent in Spain.
Spanish lawyers - information on lawyers fees in Spain for property transactions
Houses for sale in Spain - take a look at the kind of houses available. Or check out our free Spain property for sale board.
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