Monday, May 19, 2008

Spanish Coastal Law and compensation for loss of ownership

Is it possible for you to highlight the problem re the Spanish coastal law (Ley de Costas 1988) because their ministry of the environment is still in the process of defining the demarcation lines (deslindes) between the public and private domain and to find oneself in the public domain (dominio publico ) can mean you loose ownership of your house with no monetary compensation even if your property was built legally before 1988 when the law came into effect. You get as compensation a concession to continue living there until you die but you cannot sell the property or the right to live there. If the property is deemed illegal then of course they can destroy it at your expense.

Public domain has a very wide ranging definition including beaches obviously and any sandy or shale area ,with or without buildings that they deem to be required to protect the coast against global warming or any artificial threat like ports. Any area that has ever been flooded by the sea is also defined as “Dominio Publico”

There are now more than 20,000 people who have joined the PNALC who are striving to stop the abusive use of the law and gain REASONABLE compensation for the loss of ownership.

Anyone wanting more information should contact the English Speaking Group at:-

Cliff Carter
posted by Euroresidentes at 12:01:00 PM


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