Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Preganancy and air travel

This is an update on an earlier blog I wrote about air travel. I've just come over to the UK for a couple of weeks by plane at 31 weeks pregnant. I'll be 33 weeks pregnant when I go back.

I went to a lot of trouble trying to get a medical certificate for travelling as stipulated by the airline on their website. The first one my obstetrician gave me was just scribbled on a piece of paper. The second one I got was a bit better, I also had the added complication that I live in Spain but was travelling from France with a British company (I live just on the border with France).

As it turned out no-one asked me for a medical certificate. The journey was no problem and I felt as comfortable as anyone else given the lack of space. It was a short flight (90 mins).

One funny coincidence was that I was sitting next to a doctor which I found out when we got chatting. That helped me put my mind at rest too!

The only special preparation that I did was to avoid fizzy drinks a couple of days beforehand as I had read in one of my pregancy books that this can give you bloating and make you feel uncomfortable. I also made sure that I drank plenty of water to avoid getting dehydrated.

Although I was a little apprehensive about flying I now realise that it's not really a health risk as long as the pregnancy is normal at the time.

I travel back next week which is the last week I'm allowed to fly while pregnant. I hope the journey is as comfortable as the outward one.


Anonymous Zoe Posnette said...

I am a student currently studying for A-Levels, and i am taking Spanish.

I was given the task of researching Spanish family life, and ive found you're experiances really useful to include in my reaserch, thanks very much!!!

17/7/06 10:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am enjoying your blog having been through a similar experience last year myself even down to being told to diet despite not being overweight! I am also vegetarian and I am bringing up my son vegetarian and making sure never to tell the paediatrician this! He is very healthy.
I wish you all the luck at the birth and be confident in your own knowledge and views and ignore all the advice you are given that sounds doubtful.

18/7/06 02:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I am so glad that I happened upon your blog. I am 33 weeks pregnant and will be traveling by plane this week (returning when I am 34 1/2 weeks pregnant). Though my flight (a domestic flight here in the U.S.) will be substantially longer than yours (5:30), I was reassured by your experience nonetheless.

28/8/06 10:54  

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