Special offer for Autumn flights to Spain
Thomas Cook has listed its cheapest flights to Spain for Autumn 2006. People who book their Autumn flight online now can get some very good deals.
Here are some examples e have seen on their website (remember all flights are one-way and can change from one day to another)
- Flights to Almeria on 21st September from £39.00 (Manchester) and £35.99 (from Gatwick)
- Flights to Gerona from Manchester on 21st September £39.99 (this special offer flight is also available for some May dates)
- Flights to Ibiza on 23rd September for just £35.99 (Gatwick) or £39.99 (Manchester)
- Flights to Mallorca from Gatwick from £35.99 on 18th November
- Flights to Menorca from Stansted airport from £39.99 on 17th and 22nd September
- And various other special deals to Tenerife, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria and Jerez.
Anyone interested in booking one of these cheap flights can access the special offers by clicking on the blue Deals button on the Fly Thomas Cook home page.

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