Latest news about low-cost flights to Spain
This is a new section in which we will try to keep all our visitors up-to-date with the latest news and offers from all low-cost companies selling flights from the UK to Spain.
Thanks to the success of low-cost air companies like Ryanair, Jet2, Thomsonfly, Easyjet etc., the average price of flights from Britain to all major Spanish destinations has fallen substantially over the past few years. And experienced travellers who know how to shop around can fly between Spain and the UK for next to nothing. It's just a question of knowing how to do it.
Some Spanish friends of ours wanted to visit London last June but couldn't find a cheap offer from Alicante airport to London, so they checked out the offers from the small San Javier airport in Murcia and found a bargain return flight to London Stansted for just 0.90 euros(plus airport tax)!! San Javier Airport is just one hour's drive away along the motorway from Alicante.
Through this blog we hope to give you some ideas to find the cheapest way of flying to Spain. We will publish and update information on the latest special offers, offer tips on how and where to search for cheap flights to Spain, give the latest news about new routes between the smaller Spanish and British airports and publish the low-cost flight experiences - good and bad - sent to us by our visitors (if you want to share your experience of a cheap flight to Spain with our readers, send us an email to
There are lots of reasons for travelling to Spain. Some people who are buying a house in Spain need to come over frequently to look at property for sale, others make frequent visits to family who live here. One removal company told us that more and more families have moved their family base here from Britain, their children go to international schools in Spain, while the main wage-earner commutes from southern Spain to London three or four days a week. Golfers from colder or wetter climes come over for weekend breaks in the Autumn and Winter months to play on one of the many golf courses along the warm Mediterranean coast. Whether you want to have a cultural weekend break exploring one of the hundreds of beautiful places in Spain, or just want to relax on a beach somewhere, if you know where to look and how to plan, you can do so at a very cheap price.
Thanks to the success of low-cost air companies like Ryanair, Jet2, Thomsonfly, Easyjet etc., the average price of flights from Britain to all major Spanish destinations has fallen substantially over the past few years. And experienced travellers who know how to shop around can fly between Spain and the UK for next to nothing. It's just a question of knowing how to do it.
Some Spanish friends of ours wanted to visit London last June but couldn't find a cheap offer from Alicante airport to London, so they checked out the offers from the small San Javier airport in Murcia and found a bargain return flight to London Stansted for just 0.90 euros(plus airport tax)!! San Javier Airport is just one hour's drive away along the motorway from Alicante.
Through this blog we hope to give you some ideas to find the cheapest way of flying to Spain. We will publish and update information on the latest special offers, offer tips on how and where to search for cheap flights to Spain, give the latest news about new routes between the smaller Spanish and British airports and publish the low-cost flight experiences - good and bad - sent to us by our visitors (if you want to share your experience of a cheap flight to Spain with our readers, send us an email to
There are lots of reasons for travelling to Spain. Some people who are buying a house in Spain need to come over frequently to look at property for sale, others make frequent visits to family who live here. One removal company told us that more and more families have moved their family base here from Britain, their children go to international schools in Spain, while the main wage-earner commutes from southern Spain to London three or four days a week. Golfers from colder or wetter climes come over for weekend breaks in the Autumn and Winter months to play on one of the many golf courses along the warm Mediterranean coast. Whether you want to have a cultural weekend break exploring one of the hundreds of beautiful places in Spain, or just want to relax on a beach somewhere, if you know where to look and how to plan, you can do so at a very cheap price.

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