Tuesday, May 27

Relative clauses con where/whose/whom

1. Se puede usar where para hacer referencia a lugares.

The house was very big. We lived there.
The house where we lived was very big.
La casa donde vivíamos era muy grande.

2. Se usa whom para hacer referencia a personas en frases donde es el objeto del verbo ver relative clauses 2.


The person whom I wanted to see was French. La persona a quien quería ver era Francesa.

Si se usa una preposición con whom tiene que ir antes de la palabra whom

The person to whom I spoke was French. La persona a quien hable era Francesa.

PERO whom no es muy común en ingles hablado. Es muy formal y es mas corriente usar who.

Compara estas frases:

The person whom I wanted to see was French.
The person who I wanted to see was French

Las dos frases significan lo mismo el único diferencia es que whom es mas formal y se usa menos.

The person to whom I spoke was French.
The person who I spoke to was French.

Aquí el significado de las frases es lo mismo pero hay que estar atento a la posición de la preposición to.

En la segunda frase con who la preposición va DESPUES del verbo. Lo cual es lo mas normal en frases con relative clauses.

3. Se usa whose en vez de his/her/their en relative clauses

We spoke to a woman. Her bag had been stolen. Hablamos con una mujer. Su bolso habia sido robado.
We spoke to a woman whose bag had been stolen.
Hablamos con una mujer cuyo bolso habia sido robado.

I saw the man. His dog had died.
I saw the man whose dog had died.


Escribe frases con whom, whose y where .Después haga clic aquí para ver las respuestas.

1. That is the park. There is a lake there. (Where)

2. This is the person. I saw him last night. (whom)

3. I saw friend yesterday. Her brother lives in Spain.(whose)

4. This is the house. I was born there. (where)

5. She is the woman. I wanted to see. (whom)


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