Spain's Best Portal Website 2006

This year 284 Spanish websites were nominated over 20 consumer categories. Over 350,000 votes were cast between 9th October and 1st December. The overall winner in Spain was Libertad Digital, a news site, awarded the Best Website of 2006, and the game site Zylom won the most popular site award.
Euroresidentes was awarded Spain's best web portal of the year, having obtained the highest average score on content, navigation and design with respect to the other portals competing in the same category.
We are delighted (and surprised!) to have won this award which has come at the end of what has been an outstanding year in terms of production of new content, expansion of our infrastructure, network of collaborators and visitor numbers. In November we received 20 million page views, and hopefully the trend will continue next year as we publish new material on a wide range of themes and subjects useful for people living or interested in Spain.
A massive thank you to all the Euroresidentes team, collaborators, friends, family and visitors and to everyone who has made this award possible.

Labels: Spanish culture
Congratulations for a well earned award and 'hello' to all the people who visit your site, to its founder and staff. Fantastico!Its a privilege to be associated with you.
Well done and many congratulations, Euroresidentes! A well deserved accolade for an outstanding website.
Excellent result a fitting reward for all your hard work.
Euroresidentes is an innovative and interesting website. Well done!
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